DIYBio is a biology and chemistry laboratory located inside Hacklab.
Property of DIYBio
- P2/P200/P1000 pipettes
- 1000X microscopes
- 2x thermocyclers
- Horizontal and vertical gel electrophoresis apparati
- Vortexer
- Centrifuges
- 2x Stirring hotplate
- Microwave
- Sonication bath
- Incubator
- -20 °C freezer
- 4 °C fridge
- Spectronic 20 (340nm-950nm)
- AB Sciex QStarXL
- Shimadzu HPLC with UV-VIS and IOR detectors
- Fire blanket, eye wash bottles, fire extinguisher and PPE
Property of Misha
- Mott 6' fume hood with chemical storage
- HP 5890/5971A GCMS
- Buchi Brinkmann Re-111 Rotavapor
- 2x 14/20 and 24/40 organic chemistry glassware sets
- Plumbed eyewash and safety shower
- Glovebox
- Argon tank
- Sputter coating unit (operational, includes rotary vane and diffusion pumps, pirani and penning gauges, and large glass bell jar)
- Dual aspirator pump and vacuum filtration apparatus