Discov3ry Paste Extruder

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Revision as of 18:22, 7 August 2015 by Tdmckee (talk | contribs)
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So a hacklab member (me, User:Tdmckee) supported the Discov3ry Paste Extruder on Kickstarter (#304!), and just recently received it. Its currently in the lab, attached to the Makerbot. Here's a [tweet with a picture.]


  • Currently experiencing a MINTEMP error.

Attempted to insert M302 (enable cold extrusion) into the start gcode in CURA. didn't work. Asked the [structur3d.io forum], received [this reply]... I don't have sufficient clue to talk gcode directly to the printer at this stage of my 3dp learnings so I'm deferring to someone more expert in these sorts of things things...

Stuff to extrude

Apparently structur3d have a list with some settings to try (though hopefully somewhere more organized than that forum, which seems a little free-for-all unstructured)

My list:

  • Silicone Caulk
  • Wood Filler
  • Various edible things
  • ... other? Happy to field suggestions...