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The lab has an AMQP-based message queuing infrastructure shared between various services. The broker RabbitMQ is located on moa (, which is on the lab's LDAP system.


  • door.entry - Fanout exchange, one message gets pushed to the exchange
    • Format: XML format described on the doorbot page each time a card is swiped at the door.
  • notification.graphic - Fanout exchange, messages pushed to this exchange indicate animated graphics which should be sent to lab occupants somehow (e.g. LED sign)
    • Format: Name of the animation to display. Currently "ostrich" is the only supported animation.
  • notification.general - Fanout exchange, messages pushed to this exchange indicate graphics which should be sent to lab occupants somehow (e.g. LED sign, twitter, doorbot)
    • Format: JSON, 'text' and 'image' keys, images referenced should be in NFS user home directories
  • statistics.bandwidth - Fanout exchange, messages pushed to this exchange indicate bandwidth statistics that can be stored/reported by other systems
    • Format: TBD
  • statistics.power - Fanout exchange, messages pushed to this exchange indicate power statistics that can be stored/reported by other systems
    • Format: JSON, 'meter_id' key for what circuit or area is being metered (using standard lab electrical system identifiers), 'watts' for how many watts are in use at the time of reporting, 'cost' for cost per hour at the present time based on the wattage in use
  • tegh.services - Fanout exchange, messages sent to this exchange indicate that a 3D printer has either come online or that a previously online printer has gone offline.
    • Format: JSON, TBD, The routing keys "tegh.service.up" and "tegh.service.down" are used to indicate 3D printers coming online and going offline respectively.
  • eight - Fanout exchange, messages sent to this exchange indicate the number 8 should be printed full-screen (white text on a black background) and/or announced verbally. See also: 8.
    • Format: {eight: 8}


Queues are named <exchange>.<service>, e.g. doorbot's door.entry queue would be is door.entry.doorbot.

Message Flow Diagram

<graphviz> digraph graphname {

 node [  style=filled fillcolor="papayawhip" ]
 "Building Door System" [shape=house style=filled fillcolor="palevioletred1"]
 "Building Power System" [shape=house style=filled fillcolor="palevioletred1"]
 "HackLab Power Monitor\npowermon" [shape=house style=filled fillcolor="palevioletred1"]
 "LED Sign\nsign0" [shape=house style=filled fillcolor="palevioletred1"]
 "Stats Sign\nsign1" [shape=house style=filled fillcolor="palevioletred1"]
 "External Physical System" [shape=house style=filled fillcolor="palevioletred1"]
 "exchange" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "door.entry" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "notification.general" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "notification.graphic" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "notification.text" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "statistics.power" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "statistics.bandwidth" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "eight" [shape=trapezium style=filled fillcolor="paleturquoise1"]
 "queue" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "door.entry.twitter" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "door.entry.notification" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "notification.general.doorbot" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "notification.general.ledsign" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "notification.graphic.ledsign" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "notification.text.ledsign" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "statistics.power.statssign" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "statistics.bandwidth.statssign" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "eight.signs" [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="palegreen1"]
 "External API" [shape=hexagon style=filled fillcolor="royalblue1"]
 "HTTP API\nTwitter" [shape=hexagon style=filled fillcolor="royalblue1"]
 "IRC #hacklabto (recv)" [shape=hexagon style=filled fillcolor="royalblue1"]
 "IRC #hacklabto (send)" [shape=hexagon style=filled fillcolor="royalblue1"]
 "Building Door System" -> "HTTP Service\ncard_event" -> "door.entry"
 "door.entry" -> "door.entry.notification"
 "door.entry" -> "door.entry.twitter"
 "door.entry.notification" -> "doormsg_to_notification" -> "notification.general"
 "door.entry.twitter" -> "hacklab_door_tweeter" -> "HTTP API\nTwitter"
 "notification.general" -> "notification.general.doorbot"
 "notification.general" -> "notification.general.ledsign"
 "notification.general.doorbot" -> "doorbot (HacklabMQ)"
 "doorbot (HacklabMQ)" -> "IRC #hacklabto (send)"
 "notification.general.ledsign" -> "gennotification_sign_feeder";
 "gennotification_sign_feeder" -> "HTTP Service\nSign Text Renderer"
 "HTTP Service\nSign Text Renderer" -> bmix
 bmix -> "LED Sign\nsign0"
 "IRC #hacklabto (recv)" -> "doorbot (HacklabMQPublisher)"
 "doorbot (HacklabMQPublisher)" -> "notification.text" [ label="!sign" ]
 "notification.text" -> "notification.text.ledsign"
 "notification.text.ledsign" -> "ledsign_feeder"
 "ledsign_feeder" ->  "HTTP Service\nSign Text Renderer"
 "doorbot (HacklabMQPublisher)" -> "notification.graphic" [ label="*ostrich*" ]
 "notification.graphic" -> "notification.graphic.ledsign"
 "notification.graphic.ledsign" -> "ledsign_ostrich_feeder"
 "ledsign_ostrich_feeder" -> "bmix"
 "Building Power System" -> "HTTP Service\npowerdata" -> "statistics.power"
 "HackLab Power Monitor\npowermon" -> "powercollect" -> "statistics.power"
 "statistics.power" -> "statistics.power.statssign"
 "statistics.power.statssign" -> "statssignd"
 "statistics.power" -> "powergraph" -> "HTTP Frontend\nHackLab Power Graphs"
 "Firewall SNMP" -> "bandwidth_feeder" -> "statistics.bandwidth" 
 "statistics.bandwidth" -> "statistics.bandwidth.statssign"
 "statistics.bandwidth.statssign" -> "statssignd"
 "eight" -> "eight.signs"
 "eight.signs" -> "eight_feeder"
 "eight_feeder" -> "Stats Sign\nsign1"
 "eight_feeder" -> "HTTP Service\nSign Text Renderer"
 "statssignd" -> "Stats Sign\nsign1"

} </graphviz>