Ultimaker 2

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Ultimaker #2, also known as "Fawkes"

This page documents Ultimaker #2 (Fawkes) [A phoenix from the ashes]

Printer lives on the third shelf of the 3D printer tower, next to the Type A.


  • April 26th 2017, got great prints with the Bright Yellow PLA using these settings: 220C, speed 40 mm/s, flow 115%.
  • Operational ... it can be Problematic
    • Using a Brim to hold parts to the Print Bed is strongly recommended.
    • Bed was leveled but Print Bed is NOT perfectly flat! (O.K. for small X/Y size prints.)
    • The Z axis Zero Stop is inconsistent/unreliable. It is set a bit low & user manually turns the Z-asix screw (clockwise) to bring head down just until 1st layer of plastic is flat.
    • If head too close & extruder starts clicking, that can cause filament feed problems.
  • Loaded with Bright Yellow 2.85mm PLA
  • PLA ONLY! (to prevent nozzle contamination)
  • Cura 15 Settings here
  • http://octopi2.hacklab.to/

Known Issues and Fixes

  • IMPORTANT: OctoPrint will disconnect from Ultimaker 2 if Ultimaker 1 is powered on. If you want to print on both (or will want to eventually), power both on before starting your print on Ultimaker 2
  • The large white zip tie around the extruder can block the tensioner (the black piece) from contacting the filament. Make sure the tensioner slides just behind the head of that zip tie.
  • Bed is really warped (higher up in the middle, lower down on the sides). Leveling the bed is unlikely to fix this. Manually adjust the Z-axis for the first layer until the filament is being laid down flat (not rounded). Turn the threaded rod counter-clockwise to lower, clockwise to raise.
  • the nozzle is old and will need replacement soon (parts from china in the mail, supposedly). Print more slowly if the prints are not coming out good. Avoid feeding the filament over 120% feed rate, this will clog the nozzle even more.


  • Ultimaker Original with extruder drive upgrade
  • Built from an incomplete kit and a bunch of parts are 3D printed
  • 210 x 210 x 205 mm print volume
  • 2.85mm filament
  • Absolute max temperature: 250 C
  • It is managed and accessible from the web GUI: http://octopi2.hacklab.to/

Machine Log

Date Notes Entry By
May 24, 2017 Replace the X-axis zero-stop switch. (Used an M3 tap to thread holes in replacement switch Rana provided.) Also re-positioned X-axis stepper motor, to get more tension on that belt. Allen
April 28, 2017 Tightened all the frame screws. Unwittingly tightened the tensioner screw on the rails (the middle screw of those plastic pieces on the frame) and the head would not move. Loosened them and head moves well now.

The plastic connector for the printhead fan was coming in between the head and the orange rail holder, preventing homing. Secured that wire using a zip tie.

April 26, 2017 Filament was not extruding, took out the Bowden tube in the printhead and put it back in, it went several mm further in. Extruding fine now. Rana
April 19-20, 2017
  • Replacement of the print nozzle fan -- which had a broken blade.
  • Clean Print Nozzle
  • MacGyver Fix Extruder to keep pressure wheel against filament -- by using the head of a large (white) Tie Wrap to hold the top of the pivoting (black) section in position.
  • Do what can to level print bed. Print bed itself is not perfectly flat -- so large prints can have some spots tooo close (clicking extruder), and other spots too far (not sticking.)
  • Still getting Filament Jams. (Samples of plastic from head kept.)
  • Others were hearing/seeing belt skip problems ... so some/all belts may need replacing.
April 5, 2017 Lubricate Y-Axis rods using NCR Silicone Fluid. Hardened/old lubricant on the Y-axis rods also removed by doing this. Using 30AWG wire to try cleaning print head. (Some dirt came out. Filament still curls towards head.) Allen
March 9, 2017 The Print Head Fan Duct was touching the build plate before the front/right corner was down enough to be level. Used a fine file to trim the underside of this 3D printed part, so this now stays just slightly above the build plate at all times. Allen
March 1, 2017 X axis just stopped working mid-print again. Re-seated x axis stepper board again, and this time used Kapton Tape to secure all the the stepper board DIPs in place. Allen
February 28, 2017 Lubricate X-Axis rods using NCR Silicone Fluid. X-Axis now moves back & forth smoothly. (Left side of belt no longer bends sideways @ the stepper motor.) Hardened/old lubricant on the X-axis rods also removed by doing this. Allen
February 21, 2017 Igor helped to locate & fix bad driver board (DIP socket) connections for the X axis stepper motor. Removed broken PLA from feeding tube (yet again). The working PLA reel from Ultimaker 1 was moved to this unit. Allen
Mid-2016 Re-printed extruder drive tensioner in ABS on Ultimaker 1, replaced Bowden tube coupler springs. Snipped 1cm off the tube ends to give couplers fresh surface to hold on to. Igor
September 26, 2015 Removed overly-brittle, broken PLA from the feeding tube. Machine back in working order with new PLA. PLA can become stale and brittle due to moisture absorption. Justin
July 28, 2013 Found new Arduino mega and installed marlin firmware via CURA. Checked all axis movements, checked thermocouple via external temperature sensors and finalized hot-end. Installed build platform. Removed raspberry pi. Norm
July 27, 2013 Cemented thermocouple into tube, fit tube into hot end. Attempted firmware uploads using Cura (failed) and Xloader (succeeded) Norm
June 23, 2013 Machined remaining parts and assembled feeder, mounted and tested (dry run without power, tensioner only).

Attached flying lead ends of thermocouple onto thermocouple amp.
Wired in thermocouple amp, wired in feeder wiring.

June 22, 2013 Printed out and assembled most of the feeder, lubricated gantry. Norm
June 18, 2013 Printed out parts for feeder Norm
June 10, 2013 Stripped apart old filament feeder and began building new feeder which uses the hobbed pulley. Parts on order, machined other parts. Norm
June 8, 2013 Rebuilt hot-end, rebuilt gantry components, mounted entire gantry, roughly aligned belts, verified general mechanical functions!

Finished mounts for build platform (cutting build platform and mounting to be completed).

May 29, 2013 Boden tube, V2 hot end components, and belts arrived. Norm
May 16, 2013 Ordered Boden tube and V2 hot end components (the feeder upgrade can be printed for cheap). Belts ordered for Ultimaker 1 (when they are needed for replacement). (~$138) Norm
May 15, 2013 Printed Z home switch adjustment block and holder.

Designed and printed parts for new build platform system.
Disassembled Z axis, examined and attempted to straighten leadscrew (limited success), inserted main portion of the build platform innards.

April 29, 2013 Printed fourth X/Y bushing block and Raspberry Pi bracket Norm
April 27, 2013 Assembled 3/4 X/Y bushing blocks, 4th print failed mid-print. Norm
April 24, 2013 Unmounted dual extruder.

Stripped out X/Y gantry parts for rebuild (X/Y blocks broken).
Observed Z acme rod bent.
Remounted Arduino Mega and driver board.

April 22, 2013 Reorganized shelf to accommodate the Ultimaker, organized materials and supplies. Norm

To Do List

  • Repairs
    • Finish to-do list/upgrade list
    • Reprint X/Y bushing blocks, remount
    • Print tensioners, install
    • Print new extruder in entirety, mount
    • Print Raspberry Pi mounting plate, mount pi, wire up
    • Straighten Z axis acme rod
    • Crimp cable going to print head
    • Remount X/Y gantry system
    • Order hot end
    • Order boden cable
    • Order extruder (dependent on success of printable extruder)
    • Flash firmware
    • Calibrate endstops
  • Printable Upgrades
    • Spool holder
    • Magnetically attached print bed
    • Motor mounts
    • Fan cowling
    • Z axis home switch adjuster
    • Axis end-caps